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Artist's Statement

About Samantha Zrada


There’s something that’s always fascinated me about animals; the fur, the teeth, the feathers, the tails, the paws, claws, talons, the ears, these body parts that are similar in function to what we have, yet vastly different in structure and appearance. I want to embody those features and become something more amazing than I currently am. There’s a sense of powerless, and dullness I feel as a human that I’d rather be an animal and face the world in a different form.

My work is an extension of my emotions and emotional states as an individual put into wearable objects. Through the use of metal and leather, my pieces’ mimic animalistic qualities that portray power, danger, and fear. I’m inspired by the animal kingdom and am creating work rooted in animal behavior, by exploring the natural defensive features on animals that humans lack. I use metal as a material of defense and adornment, which can be found in historical handheld weapons, jewelry, armor, and even in contemporary weapons today. This can be said to the use of leather as well, having been used on the body in a variety of forms from bags to jackets and hats. It serves to both protect the wearer and to hold valued objects close to the body. Leather is an integral material that is irreplaceable as not only coming from animals, but also representing what remains of a once living creature that continues to live on after death. The wearer metamorphizes into that animal through the bodily extension of the piece, thus changing their posture, frame of mind, and embodies the essence of that creature.

About: Bio

Artist's Bio

Samantha Zrada is an emerging jeweler and metalsmith from outside the Philadelphia area. She has currently achieved her B.F.A. at Virginia Commonwealth University located in the city of Richmond. Her work involves incorporating animal elements on the human body to portray fear, power, and danger. These works are executed in metal and leather and are worn on the body. Her undergraduate work has been displayed in a juried exhibition at the Anderson Gallery in Richmond Virginia.

About: Bio

Artist's Résumé

About: Resume


2013-2017 - B.F.A, Minor in Art History, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA


2017- Senior Show, Fine Arts Building, Richmond, VA
2017- Juried Exhibition (undergrad), Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA
2016 - Juried Exhibition (undergrad), Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA

Volunteer Work

2015-2016 - Metal Studio Monitor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA


Casting Metal, Raising Vessels, Enameling (and its various techniques), Creating Mechanisms, Chasing and Repoussé, Wax Carving, Soldering, Piercing, Annealing, and Organizing

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